it is a journey into the unknown which shall lead us ever closer to home. our task is to transform ourselves into awakened multidimensional beings
thus fully merging the fourth and fifth dimensions into the third
it is the inner union between Earth ascending and Heaven descending
this sacred merger has already been achieved by many of us
and numerous others are awakening daily as the Call steadfastly intensifies
we are reclaiming our Divine Birthright and Heritage
remembering that we are Angels incarnate, vast starry beings of Light
who are no longer limited and bound by the illusions of time, space and matter
we are ready to join as emanations of the One
the new doorways cannot be opened or passed through
by any of us still operating as individual beings of consciousness
they are brought into manifestation through our Unified Presence
through our focused intent
through our total commitment to serving our Higher Purpose
this is the bridge to an entirely different energy patterning
it is the step beyond the known dimensional universe
it is a journey into the unknown which shall lead us ever closer to home